Глюк'oZa рассказала о секретах идеального загара

Chistyakova-Ionova showed followers your favorite tools to protect from the sun.

How to make hair style in five minutes what cheap makeup products you should pay attention and many different hacking – every Friday Glyuk’oza share with the fans their beauty secrets.

Fans closely follow the blogs of the singer, and this time Natalya showed his collection of protection from the sun.

“I begin to prepare for the summer with a skin preparation to relax. Scrubs that rejuvenate the skin, I suggest to do at least three days before the trip. Protection for the sun is very important. I used to be sunbathing blissfully. I was a fan of tanning and thereby spoiled the skin and for a long time it was restored, because the balance was broken, the skin required moisture. With age I started to be protected and realized that it does not block the sun, most importantly. It is important to start sunbathing with a large degree of protection, for example with 50 spf. Then a few days later, when the skin gets used to the sun and adapts to the weather, you can start enjoying the protection that below.

If you God forbid burned down, there are tools that I love. Ambulance after injury to the skin – panthenol”, – shared his secrets for the perfect tan the singer.

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