Полный порядок: 10 способов восстановить организм после праздников “StarHit” figured out how to eat the usual Christmas foods and not get fat. For this you need to follow a few important rules that many people forget.

    Полный порядок: 10 способов восстановить организм после праздников

    New year’s eve, we all gathered for a big festive table and under the chimes, the clink of glasses, the seductive aromas of Christmas food and tangerines to celebrate the New year!

    Of course, it’s a wonderful time, but one side – the fun, the guests, the gifts, the copious feast, and with another – a difficult time for our body, digestive system, health, well-being and, of course, figures. Matter how correctly we eat in new year’s eve inevitable late meals and overeating.

    Of course, it is not necessary to abandon the holiday and create psychological discomfort: rest and leisure, to relax and don’t load yourself with unnecessary worries. In this article we look at 10 simple and effective ways to help the body to minimize the effects of holidays and recover faster.

    RULE # 1 – proper start to the day

    Resist the temptation to start the morning with the remnants of the Christmas table. Just the morning after a late dinner/overeating it is recommended to skip Breakfast and 12:00-13:00 drink only water. Generally there is a myth that Breakfast is the most dense meal of the day. In fact, the morning is the time of cleansing the body, and a heavy Breakfast is not recommended especially those who have bowel problems (constipation etc.). So rule # 1 – skipping Breakfast after a hearty late dinner. Let’s say just a light Breakfast with dietary fiber (e.g. fruits, nuts).

    RULE # 2 – no extremes

    The next day after eating too much do not do the unloading, because such swings in food loaded the body more and create the stressful conditions.

    RULE # 3 – stop negative processes

    To do this, begin and end the day 1 teaspoon of honey (if no allergies or contraindications). Honey eat in the morning after a glass of water, 20-30 minutes. This will give a bactericidal effect and prevent the processes of fermentation from Christmas dishes and complex combinations of products. Before bed – 1 Teaspoon an hour before bedtime, without food and drink.

    RULE # 4 – combination products

    Полный порядок: 10 способов восстановить организм после праздников

    You’ve got enough mixed in the holidays, and now is the time to normalize the work of digestive tract. This is very important to properly combine foods. Rules and many secrets! They are all based on knowledge of physiology and the reflexes of the digestive system. In full I give them to my programs. But let’s start simple – choose dishes from the same category. If the salad cold, then hot should be meat, not fish, that is, do not mix different types of protein at the same time.


    Fruit is not dessert, and it is important to eat or before meals (40-60 minutes), or as a separate snack/meal (minimum of 1.5 hours after the main meal). After the feast, the gastrointestinal tract is particularly sensitive in the case of violation of this rule, the swelling is almost all guaranteed.


    Overeating triggers an increased production of enzymes, which leads in turn to the “acidification” of the body. Excess acid accumulates in the liver, damages the digestive tract and leads to many unpleasant consequences – heartburn, stomach pain… the Most effective alkalizing product – herbs (parsley, dill, spinach, arugula, various salads, etc.). After the feast, carefully observe its presence in the diet, and add to each meal protein products. A day serving of greens should be a minimum of 20 grams.


    Abstain for a few days from all slime products (all dairy products, grains with gluten, cashew) to your body and gastrointestinal tract rest have gone puffiness and improve skin quality. This, incidentally, is an excellent prevention of cellulite.



    2-3 days after a late dinner/eating do a cleanse for the body. In time it will be for him.


    1-2 cups of water in the morning, 20 minutes 1 teaspoon of honey + a glass of nut milk/ a handful of soaked nuts, after 30-40 minutes (or as hungry) millet porridge on the water with pumpkin, honey/ agave syrup and cinnamon lunch – lentils with vegetables, salad, snack – any fruit dinner – grilled vegetables (eggplant/zucchini/red pepper – any that do not contain starch) with pesto sauce or olive oil.


    The process of withdrawal of toxins is through the pores and skin breath, so spend time with benefit! Recommended cardio training, sports outdoors, any physical activity: skiing, skating, snowboarding, walking, playing with children, etc.

    RULE # 10 – BATH DAY

    Also to facilitate the cleansing process is perfect bath, hot baths with salt, even just a foot bath before bed – they are good to add 1 tbsp ground ginger.

    The holidays require us to respect certain traditions, which, unfortunately, is not the best way affect our health. By following these recommendations, the weekend and first few days after which you can hold in a good mood and with minimum impact on your figure and health – in particular, improve health and the digestive tract, and a bonus will throw a couple of extra pounds per week.