Бывший муж Дженнифер Лопес вышел в свет с 21-летней возлюбленной

Marc Anthony does not change its habits. The singer and former husband of Jennifer Lopez came out with his new girlfriend — 21-year-old model Mariana Downing.

Western media reported about the affair in the beginning of this year. after just a few weeks after the divorce Mark. Apparently, the couple decided to no longer hide his affair and appeared hand in hand at the gala evening of the charitable Foundation Maestro Cares Foundation in new York.
As it became known, the lovers have been Dating for a few months. Insiders report that for Anthony it was love at first sight. They met at a party of mutual friends, and the next day mark asked Marian out on a date.
The couple went on a romantic trip to the Caribbean Islands, and after the girl was accompanied by Mark on the road.
Recall that the previous marriage with Anthony, model Shannon De Lima, lasted four years.