Бывшая невеста Гайдуляна сменила имидж после расставания с ним After a painful break-up with actor Andrew Giulana Diana ochilova for a long time could not recover. Her microblog was filled with sad quotes and photographs. Some time later, the girl was able to forget the past. Ex-lover Andrew couldn’t hear and started to smile.

      Бывшая невеста Гайдуляна сменила имидж после расставания с ним

      After a severe breakup with Andrew Giulana Diana took a long time to recover. She met with a young man about three years and was gonna marry him when it became known that the actor was diagnosed with cancer. The lovers were planning a beautiful wedding: ceremony was held in the chamber atmosphere. Diana is not quit your choice, when they found out about the cancer: she went with Andrew to Germany, where he was treated, and tried to convince a loved one that we should hope for the best. Fortunately, chemotherapy and other treatments helped the actor to cope with cancer. Andrew Hagolan: “the Illness changed me, I realized the real price of life”

      However, when Andrey returned to Russia, their relationship with Diana could not be the former, and the couple broke up. The admirers of Giulana believed that the girl herself threw the star of the series “Univer”. Ex-beloved did not comment the information about your gap. Only in the microblog Diana appeared of record, of complete despair.

      “Opened my eyes and the first thing I thought, “What next?” Where to start… Uncertainty is scary. Scared to go out of the comfort zone and stability. You need to learn how to solve problems and to be ready for anything. Become stronger and not afraid to descend into the real world. But something tells me that all will be well. Need a plan, and act strictly on it? Or just to live and to receive all he has prepared for you destiny? I feel like a child who must learn to walk”, writes about the hopelessness of Diana.

      It took about a month before the girl began to rebound after a painful breakup. Ochilova immersed himself in work and school, began to spend more time with her friends and changed her hairstyle. She said goodbye to their long hair short hair “the Bob”. Many of the subscribers having seen an updated image of the girl, didn’t even recognize her.

      After recovering from cancer, Andrew decided to help other people who suffer from serious diseases. In the microblog actor post photos of children that need money for treatment. Beating cancer Andrew Hagolan saves the life of a child

      “The previous year, of course, changed me forever. Recently I find it difficult to pass someone else’s grief, although I try, or I’ll go crazy. Very often I write the parents of sick children with a request to repost to help raise the money and every time I want to help. Sometimes I even list some of his pennies,” admitted the actor.

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