Евгений Плющенко перенес операцию The athlete said that is on the mend. Evgeni Plushenko is at the clinic abroad. Famous figure skater for the first time is on the surgical table, the Israeli doctors.

      Евгений Плющенко перенес операцию

      Famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko is now on tour with her ice show in Israel. Of course, abroad, the double Olympic champion went to accompanied by his wife Yana Rudkovskaya. In his microblog she admired her husband and the fact that the Israeli public accepts Plushenko on “cheers”, and the show collects notices. But recently it became known that the famous skater had to undergo major surgery. As reported by the media, he removed a hernia in the cervical spine. Now the athlete was released on bond with an anxious and assured fans that his health is not in danger.

      “Thank you to all my friends and fans for the support and flowers! I’m on the mend!” – made a publication in the microblog Plushenko.

      This statement calmed the troubled followers who are really worried for their idol. “The horror! Health To You, Zhenya! Hold on! We are with You! You are supported by a huge number of people all over the world! We need you!”, “A speedy recovery! The pride of our country”, – vying wanted followers of the athlete.

      It is also noteworthy that apart and remained close friends Plushenko. So, ward Yana Rudkovskaya Dima Bilan wished the athlete as soon as possible to restore health. “ZHEK, there come on don’t dally, and get well soon! We are waiting for you and believe in you! In General, the force you wish to find soon and a speedy recovery!” – addressed words of support to the singer.

      I must say that Yevgeny Plushenko is not the first time refers to the Israeli doctors. Two years ago after an injury warming up before the performance at the Olympic games he urgently needed surgery. But as reported in the Federation of figure skating, the athlete appointed another operation that was going to have this spring. It is possible that Plushenko is now time for planned treatment.

      Despite undergoing surgery Yevgeny Plushenko is still determined to participate in the Olympics in 2018. Although doctors warn a skater from heavy loads that accompany the preparation for the competition, a total ban on the athlete’s part no. Now he’s allowed to take part in various shows, where there is no execution of complex elements.

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