Эмму Уотсон обвинили в расизме из-за рекламы отбеливающих косметических средств

In 2011 the star of “Harry Potter” Emma Watson has become the face of the advertising campaign of Inaki Blanc Expert from Lancome.

The remedy skin care products go on the market as elixir whitening, which can whiten any shortcomings of the face, such as freckles or age spots.

Since filming Emma in advertising it’s been five years, but only now was it brought to the attention of the Internet community. The participation of Watson in this campaign provoked controversy on the Internet.

Among the allegations, fell to Emma’s address, there were comments about her feminist thinking applies only to white women.

It is very difficult to explain why the public reaction was so tardy, given the fact that Emma Watson is not cooperating with the brand “Lancome”. The actress refrains from comment, as the company “Lancome”.

But the representative of the actress said that Emma no longer takes part in advertising of any goods of those brands, which are “”not always reflect the diversity of beauty of all women”.

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