Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой Elena Yakovleva openly told a journalist, as are her relationship with Denis Crazy and his beloved Victoria after the wedding. The actress said that the daughter absolutely nothing like her.
Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой

People’s artist of Russia Elena Yakovleva told journalists about changes in her relationship with her son Dennis after the wedding of the young man. The actress said that the daughter-in-law Victoria they are absolutely not similar. Despite this, the actress is happy with the choice of an heir. Denis and his girlfriend have formalized a relationship this summer.

Elena Yakovleva’s son married

Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой“Victoria is very good, intelligent, kind. Modest, quiet. Doing something related to computers. I think it’s the opposite of me,” – said Yakovlev.
Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой

The actress also said that the son continues to be actively involved in the lives of parents. The young man is watching the health of loved ones. “If he feels that we need to check something, will drip on brains endlessly, and then he will write to the doctor, bring the ticket and say, “Tomorrow you go there and then” – shared Elena. Movie star believes that her son could become a great doctor. However, he he wants to work with a fitness trainer, a young man watches the food and simulates your body. The young man plans to compete bodybuilders.

Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой“This year is the first time he participated in Russian competition, and next year will go to international, because in Russia the coaches are bad tattoos and there not pay to them attention”, – said the actress.

The national actress often comes to her son and daughter-in guests. Yakovlev admitted that Denis passed on her love of Pets. “Went to see him with the Vic and took a picture of their cat. They took him to the sick, vshivenkaya tortured from the nursery, and now he has become handsome” – shared the actress.

Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой

Elena also denied the rumors by some media. For example, the actress told that the apartment son got to the age of majority, not a wedding. “I read to myself a much worse tale: that I was not at the wedding, I’m a bad mother, and the tattoos only make nedolyublennosti children. Denis Victoria, unfortunately, is also read. The son protested: “Mom, where is this? With impunity why write a lie?” I said, “We can only sue, but whether such fuss?”. “I’m sorry to read this! Everyone would love the way you me! – said Yakovlev.

Elena Yakovleva fears for her son

Елена Яковлева поведала о взаимоотношениях с сыном и невесткой

People’s artist said that she already retired, but did not manage to execute the necessary documents. “I’m generally an optimist. Never plunge into problems and switch to something else,” said Yakovlev in an interview Wday.ru. The actress has compared herself to Scarlett O’hara, whose catchphrase was from the movie “gone with the wind”: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”