Елена Воробей наряжает «елку-глобус»
The actress toured the Christmas markets.

Elena Sparrow at the Christmas Bazaar

Elena Sparrow just returned from Europe, where he visited the traditional Christmas markets. “I have quote from different countries for Christmas decorations, — says Elena. — When you find yourself abroad on the eve of Christmas or New Year, be sure to go to specialized shops and visit the street fair. The fact that a few years ago, I changed the subject of collecting. I used to get sculpture dogs — porcelain, faience, crystal, and each dog was given a name! Now, collect Christmas toys. And choose only those that are associated with the town where I was. So I now have a “geographic” tree, or how I laugh at “tree-Globus”.

And on Christmas eve, Elena, along with her daughter Sophia making cookies, which they give to neighbors and friends: “We
make it different shapes — Christmas trees, snowmen, snowballs. In short, all that
consistent with the theme of the New year and Christmas. Decorate with colored frosting and
confectionery powder”.