Елена Ксенофонтова разрыдалась в прямом эфире из-за побоев мужа The actress shared a sentimental story about domestic violence. For a long time, Elena chose not to share with the public the terrible events of his life. Only recently it was decided to talk to the patient for her subject.

      Елена Ксенофонтова разрыдалась в прямом эфире из-за побоев мужа

      Actress Elena Ksenofontova rarely share with the public the details of his personal life. Until recently, the woman kept silent about parting with the civil husband, attorney Alexander. However, recently, Elena decided that it was time to reveal the truth about his relationship with ex-lover. It was admitted that fighting with him for child and apartment.

      Elena Ksenofontova revealed the shocking truth about the breakup with her husband

      In a live program “Time will show” celebrity first talked about domestic violence. Elena also stated that he was exposed to in childhood.

      “For many years I lived with a man who beat my mother and beat us all. This is my stepfather. I remember my mother beaten to such an extent that I couldn’t find her face. We were writing was taken away, he agreed. He was a very respected man, after some time he was released and he came home even more angry… My mom for a long time could not find justice for her husband. To stepfather was sent out, had gone many years. Me, my sisters and brothers were broken psyche and life”, – said the actress through her tears.

      Then it was told that she had to endure in a civil marriage with a lawyer Alexander. “The years have passed. I am a successful person, I’m good. At least I live so that all it seemed. December 26, 2016 in the Presnensky court I pronounced a sentence. Because I “beat” husband. In the forefront is the apartment in which we lived. We have a daughter, we’ve lived a lot of years, but at some point the relationship collapsed. When I said that we will no longer be live, and was asked to leave, he said, “You don’t understand. You go. If you do, I will destroy you” – shared the actress.

      Elena also talked about shocking the viewers the incident that occurred a year ago. Then husband nearly took her life after a falling out.

      “He came into the bedroom, grabbed me by the face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top… He served in the airborne. Squeezed hands and chest, began to threaten. I started gasping, trying to scream for help, because we were not home alone. He tried to choke, I fought back. When I did, scratched his face with his hands,” – said the actress.

      At the moment Helen deeply regrets that I did not immediately call the police. Her ex-lover first wrote the application, for which Ksenofontova later sentenced. “It was a big mistake… I had to go back home and continue to live in the same apartment with a man I was terrified. I had to keep the psyche of children, I didn’t want to punish the person. But he went and did it,” said Edward, sobbing.