Екатерина Варнава впервые сообщила о семейной трагедии A few months ago, the artist lost his brother. The star of the show Comedy Woman decided to tell of his grief in the program “Alone with all”. Catherine Barnabas could not hold back tears when told about the elder brother Igor, which is not.

      Екатерина Варнава впервые сообщила о семейной трагедии

      Catherine Barnabas became the heroine of one of the editions of the new season of the program “Alone with all”. The star has agreed to a Frank conversation with Julia Menshovoj, in which the participants discussed how her professional success, the rumors about her looks and some details of the life of her family that she rarely talks with strangers.

      When host of the program turned to Catherine with a question about her brothers, who did a lot for her in adolescence, she made an unexpected statement. It turned out that a few months ago in the family of the stars was in sorrow – has left the life of her older brother. Speaking of him, the artist could not restrain his emotions. Her eyes instantly filled with tears, and she was hard to pronounce each word.

      “Unfortunately, my older brother a few months ago, has died. And the theme of brothers for me now is painful… No, I was not offended. Big brother… big brother always protected me… Igor,” labor said Barnabas.

      Later, after some time, Catherine continued the conversation. She did not to tell you in detail about how it happened, but said that is because my family. “I have wonderful brothers, and I’m generally very lucky in life that I’m in this family grew up and what I was brought up, – said Yekaterina Varnava. – Someone I can love, someone not like it, but I know that the people who surround me, do they see in me only the positive qualities in me were my parents and my brothers.”

      It is worth noting that the star of a Comedy show has always been quite a closed person she doesn’t like to talk about personal things, share news about changes in your life to your social media pages, and does not comment on the many rumors that go around her name. Anyway, to keep silence about family tragedy in conversation with Julia Menshovoj it failed – probably the star it still hurts to think about it. Catherine Barnabas accepted the condolences of the leading “Alone with all”, and hastened to switch to discussing another matter.

      By the way, after the broadcast, the actress appealed to many fans on Twitter and thanked them for their incredible support and attention that they showed towards her when they learned of her trouble. “Thank you for the nice words,” concluded Catherine Barnabas.