Екатерина Колисниченко разводится с мужем In his microblog in the social network, the girl admitted that they are no longer willing to tolerate the relationships that connected her to her lover for three years. Ekaterina Kolesnichenko and her husband together made the decision to divorce.

      Unlike her sister Julia, who is married to Tigran by Alibekova for almost years and has two children, Kate, along with her husband Nikita Kapelusze not obzavelis offspring. Many subscribers wondered why for quite some time couple never obsuzhdali similar question. Obviously the couple had some problems that prevented to build a happy future.

      As it turned out, for several months, a young family planned to file for divorce, but did not dare to do it. Likely that Kate was able to pressure her sister. Tired of the constant asking for one in your Network, the girl published a photo with her husband and wrote a meaningful comment, which explains the causes of discord between them and the motives that prompted them to start divorce proceedings.

      “I thank all who care about my life and who is genuinely worried about me, in the pleasure which you write to me in comments, I read everything. You often ask , “Why not a joint photo with her husband?” “Why no children?” , “Is it true You’re getting divorced?”. Yes – it’s true! We’re getting a divorce. Unfortunately, over the 3 years of marriage we have not been able to build its own little world of happiness, to create a strong family, so sorry. Nikita is a very kind, sincere man, handsome, but we , that is to say, different animals. Can’t make the Seagull a happy Bunny. Only Bunny can do the happy rabbit”.

      Kate admitted to followers that grateful to my husband for all that he did for her, and she did not regret the time spent. On the contrary, Kolisnichenko believes that they, along with dignity out of the situation and remain friends. Fans of the boys can hardly believe what happened, asking a couple about the possibility of reconciliation. Sister Kathy has not commented on the situation. Sisters Kolisnichenko told why they stopped to chat.