The actress admitted that for a long time did not want a second child.
Children of Ekaterina Guseva, Alexey and Anna
Photo: Kirill Nikitenko
Daughter appeared at Ekaterina Guseva only 12 years after the birth of her son. The actress admits that she “did not want to Lesha add”. “Maybe the reason lies in my childhood – reflects Gusev. – We with the sister had two (Nastya is four years younger than me). And we argued constantly. Now I know that we fought for parental love. All wanted to find out whom they like more. And tormented father and mother. We were fighting, clawing, and biting, and his hands twisted each other. I just chased the sister with a vacuum cleaner to suck up her hair! Buy us mom dresses, and once we have the scandal: “And why is it pink and yellow to me?!” Remember, the New year gave me the doll Malvina with blue hair, in a lilac dress with a white silk nahradnich. And my sister is a huge black and white stuffed cat. So I quickly ripped it — produced poor foam guts. Sister and in retaliation has cut recruit under my Malvina. Unscrambling of us, mother always said, “Kate, you’re the older sister, to yield”. And hated it even more!”
When Gusev went to drama school, he and his sister stopped to see Catherine went to school at seven thirty in the morning and came at eleven in the evening. And after graduating from the Shchukin Gusev immediately got married (spouse Catherine Vladimir Abashkin — businessman, owner of a artistic production company, which is engaged in the production of scenery for performances, programs and shows).
But suddenly a couple of years, the actress felt that she did not have enough sisters as she wants to be with her. And when the son was born Guseva, Alyosha, Catherine asked her sister Anastasia to become his godmother. “We started to see each other more often, – says the actress. The son in the childhood was generally courted by the women in our family. He had five grandmothers and great-grandmothers: my mom and Volodin, my grandmother Lida and Zina, Volodina grandma Anna. Plus it still practiced my sister, who later became head of the kindergarten. Now she has two children — Masha and Fedusa…”
Restoring the relationship with her sister, Catherine changed their views in the family Abashkina-Gusev appeared little Anya. “The daughter of my soon six years. She is so independent, serious girl, absolutely not tolerate being called “little”. She does not want to remain the youngest in the family! I have had a desire to start something smaller,” admits the actress.
Detailed interview of Ekaterina Guseva, read here>>