Егор Крид предстанет в суде, где от него потребуют вернуть полмиллиона рублей
A few days ago, popular singer Yegor creed filed a petition in the court, requiring him and his concert Director Artyom Kiyashko to collect half a million rubles.

Егор Крид предстанет в суде, где от него потребуют вернуть полмиллиона рублей

Against the contractor and his friend charged with illegal enrichment at the concert that eventually took place, but the money received for it, the musician never returned.

Егор Крид предстанет в суде, где от него потребуют вернуть полмиллиона рублей

“The plaintiff Safin a few years ago was the organizer of the speeches of Egor in one of the cities of Russia, – has told friends of Yegor StarHit. – Discuss the cost of the solo, the singer received a fee in full through its Director. The artist team paid for the flight – in those days even in economy class. But the place was that it was not met, several key points of technical rider – stage is not ready, but the audio equipment does not meet the basic requirements.

The concert broke at fault not the artist, and the host side. He and his team arrived on the scene, spent the time. The funny thing is that Safin claims, saying that between him and the employees of the singer was not even written contract, supposedly they never had any cases and half a million have been transferred to the account of creed and Kiyashko “accidentally”. Here’s a trick: say, oshibochka out, return. But Egor has always worked clean, all necessary papers are in order. So the outcome is already clear”.

Interests Yegor will present Sergei Zhorin, but friends of the performer are confident that Egor was not guilty, and the court must take his side.

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