Семену Слепакову понадобилась помощь профессионального психолога
The artist is known for his sharp sense of humor for his audience and loved it.

Семену Слепакову понадобилась помощь профессионального психолога

Simon is a very popular and, according to some information, his income is about 3.5 million dollars. But, it turns out, not everything went smoothly, he needed the help of a psychologist.

Семену Слепакову понадобилась помощь профессионального психолога

“I’m a psychologist spoke, he said that I have problems with self-esteem. And I think that I appreciate enough. What he said, and you yourself love? And then I realized that I don’t like. I am very hard on myself, I rarely like what I do,” said Simon.

According to Slepakova, to ask for help advised him wife who’s tired of listening to his endless stories.

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