Эд Ширан купил итальянскую виллу, где будет выращивать виноград

Popular singer ed Sheeran decided to treat themselves to expensive property and bought a new estate in Italy.

About your purchase personally, Sheeran said, noting that he had long thought about how to find the most secluded place where he could rest as from fans and friends and buddies.

By the way, most likely, the desire to distance themselves from their compatriots due to not buying a home in Tuscany (where a lot of English), and in Umbria.

“There was a vineyard, and as soon as I saw him, I realized that I should buy this land”, said the ed, which recently got a private home pub, so he probably thinks about that, than to fill it.

By the way, the fact that recently in places where there is a new ed’s house, there was an earthquake, it did not bother and not scared. I hope the new acquisition will bring only by luck.