Герцогиня Кэтрин с супругом посетили первое родительское собрание
Prince George was delighted with his new school.

Герцогиня Кэтрин с супругом посетили первое родительское собрание

Although Prince William
and his wife will occupy one spot on the British throne, now they are more
is the same as millions of ordinary Britons. The fact that this
in the autumn of their first son Prince George will go
to school, and his parents are very worried how he will survive in school. About it
according to the site …

The other day Catherine and
William attended the first school PTA meeting. As
it was reported earlier, although it was supposed to send Prince George to the same school, where he studied and his father William and
uncle Harry at Wetherby School, Kate and her husband decided otherwise. They chose
another school — Thomas’s School in Battersea is known for its
program progressive and democratic traditions. That, among other things, allegedly
caused dissatisfaction with the grandmother of the boy — Queen Elizabeth.

The school you chose and Ketri
William located a little further from the Palace about 30 minutes away.
The training is a joint in school and get primary education about 540
girls and boys. Arrive here at the age of 4 years and stay until 11 or 13
years — depending on the selected program.

To install
contact with the parents and start discovering future students with the school
the management of this institution decided, without waiting for the autumn to bring all
Battersea. While the parents met each other and talked with the Director, young
George went to his first lesson and had a chat with future classmates. As
say, the Prince loved his new school. However, while he will
here to learn about his titles will forget — it will all just