В сети обсуждают необычный наряд Алины Кабаевой
Famous sportswoman Alina Kabaeva appeared in public in a very original dress.

В сети обсуждают необычный наряд Алины Кабаевой

A new image of the 35-year-old gymnast Alina Kabaeva can be safely called the most Patriotic, and very glamorous. In a white dress, embroidered with sequins and decorated with a Russian coat of arms and roses, a star appeared at the festival of rhythmic gymnastics “Alina”.

В сети обсуждают необычный наряд Алины Кабаевой

В сети обсуждают необычный наряд Алины Кабаевой

Netizens gave heated debate regarding unusual outfit – one thought he was very bright and fit the athlete, while others called the dress a complete lack of taste, also noting overkill c the number of “rosettes”.

В сети обсуждают необычный наряд Алины Кабаевой

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