Скончался режиссер фильма «Комиссар» Александр Аскольдов The famous artist died after a long illness. According to some, Alexander Askoldov died in a foreign medical institution. Social media users remember the painting “the Commissioner”, which once was banned.
Скончался режиссер фильма «Комиссар» Александр Аскольдов

The Director of the controversial film “the Commissioner” with the participation of Nonna Mordyukova Alexander Askoldov died in hospital on 86-m to year of life. Some danym, the artist passed away in Sweden.

A source from the inner circle Askold said that he died “after a long illness in the hospital.”

Fans of the Director, I Express my condolences to his loved ones and remember the painting “the Commissioner”. “Genius the movie genius”, “the era”, “sad”, “Beautiful film. And after 20 years living, acting awesome” – sharing social network users.

Film critic Anton Dolin advised subscribers must-see “high Commissioner” if anyone has not yet seen.

“Died, Alexander Askoldov. The author of one of the film. Stunning – shared journalist Facebook. – A man whose biography is the best refutation of the thesis that in the USSR, “freedom was not, but the movie was great.” On the contrary, the movie’s great (for example, “the Commissioner”), but freedom was not, and so the fate broke down, and the movies.”
Скончался режиссер фильма «Комиссар» Александр Аскольдов

Literary critic and journalist Andrey Malygin remembered his memoir article was published in “Russian life”. He called Askold “a Grand person and a senior friend.” Malygin admitted that it is difficult to find the “right words”.

Efim Shifrin also shared memories of the Director. “When I came in the concert hall “Russia”. Often seen in the wings it look like a shadow figure, something spoke to him. Why he was there at the time when I was full of energy when I could shoot, and shoot, instead of standing at the helm and mete quite strange, hateful holiday for him? By the way, the stage was not so bad, however, Dmitry Krylov? – asked the artist to the broadcaster. And it was not the worst punishment for his great talent?”

Producer and film critic Vyacheslav Shmyrov thought again and Askoldova, but these plans never materialized.

“I well remember the first screening of his great film “the Commissioner” in the White hall of the cinema House – after a 20-year ban. But my gratitude to him not only for film, but also for what he did to me personally. Alexander Askoldov. Light memory!” he said in social networks.

Novelist and screenwriter Alla Bossart posted on his Facebook page archive a note on the Director. “After that meeting I fell in love with him in a new way- not only as a Grand master, but as a great, fun and a little crazy guy who lived by that time 75 years pretty wild and rammed his huge forehead and stupid obstacles in our way,” she said.

Aleksandr Askoldov was born 17 Jun 1932 in Moscow. The painting “the Commissioner” based on the story of Grossman’s “In the town of Berdichev” was filmed as a thesis after graduating from the Higher courses for Directors. The film was banned, and he has been on the shelf for over 20 years. For this work, Askoldov was prosecuted – it was called “professionally unfit” and was expelled from the party. In the 80s, the artist worked as a Director and artistic Director of the concert hall “Russia”. In the future, Askold has taught at universities in Germany, England, Italy and several other countries.

According to a source “Interfax” Alexander Yakovlevich will be buried in Sweden, where his relatives live, daughter and granddaughter.