Диана Шурыгина устроила истерику на телешоу
What I do to earn some easy money and Diana Shurygina as you can, enjoys his notoriety.

Диана Шурыгина устроила истерику на телешоу

Now Shurygina, along with her husband made up a story about infidelity and jealousy. As the traitor was presented, the husband, and to deal with all of this was going on the First channel Dmitry Shepelev.

In the Studio brought the photo. where people like the husband of Shurygino hugging a girl, but Diana was hysterical, rip off the polygraph sensors, scandal and threatened to commit suicide.

Диана Шурыгина устроила истерику на телешоу

But, fortunately, the “lie detector” have shown that Slagin didn’t cheat, and loves his Diana. So, everyone is happy – the First channel I found something to fill air, and Diana with her husband to earn for the summer vacation.

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