Дочь Николаева и Проскуряковой радует родителей ранним развитием Baby Veronica confidently stand on legs. Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova shared with fans in social networks daughter’s success, which today will be exactly eleven months.

      Daughter of Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova was eleven months. For her age she is actively developing. It causes great joy to her parents and their fans.

      Before Julia has published in his microblog photo, which Veronica confidently standing up in front of the bed. Girl posing sideways so some of the followers of the star have tried to discern on which parent she looks more like.

      “Angels not only fly… But stand at the pillar” – jokingly signed the Proskuryakova.

      “Worth trying. Soon as run! Mom only catch will be”, “Here in this picture the profile of Nikolaev, especially the eyes. Of course, all of Your fans I can’t wait to see Veronika”, “Wow, our baby doll! Time flies. Already on the legs is confident”, “how lovely, soon without the support of will stand and run”, “What a good! Be happy, babe, let all the angels of the world, keep your focus, Yulia”, “So sweet, brother” – admired admirer of Julia.

      It is interesting that recently the baby spoke for the first time. Julia has shared with fans that Veronica said the word “dad”. “There is such sign: if the first word the child said “daddy”, the next child will be a son. So, Julie, your son!” – wrote Proskuryakova one of her fans.

      Julia Proskuryakova: “Daughter loves our songs with Igor!”

      By the way, the girl grows curious and artistic. In the summer she had the opportunity to get the first lessons of music of the Diva. “My first teacher! How lucky our Veronika, what with the world of music it introduces so kind, so dear a man!” – wrote about Alla Pugacheva in his microblog Igor Nikolaev. Netizens thanked the composer and the performer for what they priotkryvaet the veil of secrecy over his private life.