Данила Козловский вычеркнул из жизни сестру и племянников Last week, on April 19, the screens out the film “the Coach”, in which Kozlovsky for the first time tried himself in the role of Director. Even before the premiere, Daniel managed to quarrel with users of the Internet who criticized the trailer.
Данила Козловский вычеркнул из жизни сестру и племянников

To cope with the barrage of negative celebrity help parents, brothers and girlfriend Olga Zueva. But the support group could be more, because the actor is also a sister, Oksana. Valery Ivanovich Kozlovsky left the first family in the late 70’s, went to the Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, the future mother of Daniel. The celebrity sister works in the Moscow school № 618, raising three sons. Star relative she had not seen for many years.

“We live in different worlds, – explains the “StarHit” Chagaev Vladislav, nephew of the artist. – At Daniel’s been busy, shooting tour… Plus he lost in St. Petersburg, and we were in the suburbs. But our family is proud of them, watching all the work with his participation. I’m on the phone with my grandfather – dad Daniel. It is now rarely taught at the Institute for health. Grandfather Valera had several operations on his eyes, Dan helps with drugs, looking for doctors. Sometimes comes to visit him. But I never he was not caught”.

Despite the fact that communication with relatives was not established, Vlad’s not upset.

Данила Козловский вычеркнул из жизни сестру и племянников“I myself dreamed of becoming an actor, but it did not happen, went into construction Institute, he continues. My brothers also did not consorting with the movie: the eldest, Elias, is working in the administrative sphere, the youngest, Fame, studying in the school. I believe that acting is the talent, not experience. Can’t be many artists in one square meter.”
Данила Козловский вычеркнул из жизни сестру и племянников

Nephew Kozlowski hopes that someday I’ll see my uncle.

“We are pleased with its success, – says Vlad. – Yes, our family is growing, but the branches, as you can see, overlap slightly. I think that will fix this situation!”