Дакота показала новорожденную дочь The singer and her husband Vlad Sokolovsky became parents in late October. The light appeared a beautiful little girl young celebrity named MIA. Celebrity couple is hiding her daughter’s face, but sometimes Rita still shows the baby to his fans online.
Дакота показала новорожденную дочь

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota carefully protect baby MIA from the attention from the fans. On the other hand, the star couple regular reports to subscribers in social networks, how are the first months of baby’s life. Fans of Rita and Vlad regularly argue, while remaining in ignorance, to whom of the parents the newborn is similar.

Vlad Sokolovsky showed the first daughter

It is worth noting that Dakota is already actively engaged in the upbringing and education of his daughter.

“About Christmas gifts! Have received hundreds of questions about our personal miracle book. Tell. This is a book that is personalized for your child. It can be ordered for absolutely any name! Inside the coolest good story where your kid along with the main hero of the story embarks on a quest for the lost name and collects his letters, and in the end finds his name and realizes that it was all about him. Miura likes to read, sticks. And already says “Miiiii” in response to “Miiii”, – shared the singer with the subscribers.

Dakota has repeatedly told fans that her pregnancy was very easy, health problems in young mothers have started later. Now she sits on a rigid diet along Rita continues to breastfeed breast. The actress frankly said that this is the most difficult period in her life.

“We are all real people. And all normal living people – their problems and difficulties. I want to openly talk about their. I want to encourage girls too not all so smoothly, and when they look at Instagram, a photo consisting of just such a “perfect licked Insta-mom”, and compare them yourself. This is a direct way to the terrible depression, to protect them from of this is my direct example, that the picture in Instagram always conceals behind a pile of understatement. I wrote a post to help girls with the same problems his example, or to prevent these problems for girls who still go tubby and I, nothing did not understand before,” shared Rita.

According to Dakota, she recently for the first time crying from the pain, and it happened just in the hospital. The singer said that he was not ready for the first months of life, daughter. And breastfeeding for her is a complicated science.

“Why are we in school are taught safety while baking pies or sewing pockets on the apron? Have you ever baked these stupid pies or sewed the apron after? And the technique of “how to survive the first months after birth of first child” – no. Why nobody warned me that is so difficult, and even dangerous to life, if not to be prepared? My pregnancy is progressing and cool, not creepy as I pictured in my head, childbirth stupidly never gave me a chance to assume that since can be something complicated and scary. In short, girls are cute, the first thing you’ll do when you get back from the hospital with the baby in his hands, to call his house consultant on breastfeeding. Even if you sincerely thought that you in the hospital, the nurse or the service Department explained everything most lucidly, and you are now a good provider… No, you’re not. Consultant at GW – a good, dear! Second – don’t listen to anyone! Anybody!”, – advised a artist podeschi.