Судебное дело: Иван Ургант оскорбил Анатолия Кашпировского
Soviet psychic requires half a million rubles from the First channel.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky has filed a lawsuit on the eve on the First channel in Ostankino district court. The essence of the claims of the therapist is to demand compensation in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for the joke Ivan Urgant, aired “Evening Urgant”. In the program, aired January 31, 2017, the presenter told us about a unique cat-psychic from Blagoveshchensk. The plot was used the animal’s “glued” in photoshop head Kashpirovsky.

Photo: freeze-frame of the program “Evening Urgant”

The joke seemed to Anatolia offensive. As it became known, in addition to financial compensation for poor business reputation, the lawsuit says the requirement of public denial of the words aired by the First channel, informs Lenta. The last point is the initiative of the owner of the cat. Fun as it sounded, but the owner of the animal was dissatisfied with what properties gave it a pet.

Hardly Ivan, broadcasting to the camera about “the cat Kashpirovsky”, sold to a businessman for five million roubles could imagine that would hurt the feelings of a famous psychic, and owner of a furry pet. It is known that representatives of the First channel from the comments on this subject refused.