Шнуров помог солистке «Ленинграда» с бизнесом Florida Chanturia opened a school in the North of St. Petersburg. In an educational institution will study children from three years. In total, there will recruit 100 people. Her bandmate gave the girl a lot of valuable tips on how to manage the institution.
Шнуров помог солистке «Ленинграда» с бизнесом

Last week in St. Petersburg 27-year-old Florida Chanturia realized dream – he opened his own music Studio “Leningradsky”. The school is on the North of the city – near the metro station “Chkalovskaya”. But getting there can be anyone aged three years.

“The room I was looking for a few months, already lost hope – says “StarHit” FL Chanturia. – I wanted something spacious, bright. But as it turned out, to find Peter a place – not an easy task. Fortune smiled on me at the last moment. It is clear that access to school – it is expensive, but when you’re charged idea and you’re driven by the desire to help people to discover their talent, the financial aspect goes by the wayside. Discipline in the Studio of a variety vocal, solfeggio, piano, guitar, acting, they are designed for adults and children. We plan to recruit about 100 students.”
Шнуров помог солистке «Ленинграда» с бизнесом

Trial group lesson for kids from 3 years worth 800 rubles, and 24 lessons – 12 thousand. Individual adult is even more expensive: 8 vocal lessons and dance classes cost 14 400 rubles. There is an option “duet” for couples or friends: 8 sessions – 21 thousand. The vocalist of “Leningrad” does not exclude that she will act as a teacher in the Studio.

“If we have a tour schedule with Sergei Shnurov will be allowed to come to school, we will spend the master-class, continues Florida. – In General, I am very grateful to Sergey Vladimirovich! During the development phase, the idea of “Leningradsky” he gave a lot of advice and the program, and musical equipment. After all, the people knowledgeable and knows everything about his profession!”

Шнуров помог солистке «Ленинграда» с бизнесом