«Коммунисты России» просят наказать Урганта за слова о Ленине

Friday was first broadcast on the next edition of the program “Evening Urgant”, which frightened members of the party “Communists of Russia”.

Traditionally, in the beginning of the program Ivan in comic form commented on some of the events of recent days, one of which was the restoration of the monument to Vladimir Lenin in the Kuban.

Urgant and his co-host, Dmitry Khrustalyov has satirized the moustache theme leader, as well as the position in which he stands. These words seemed offensive “Communists of Russia”, because they decided to act immediately and appealed to the General Prosecutor of Kuban Yury Chaika with a request to immediately open a criminal case on the fact of incitement to social hatred.

“Citizens Urgant Ivan A. and Khrustalev, Dmitry Yurievich in the program “Evening Urgant” issue No. 604 from 11.03.2016 years… incited social discord, insulting the feelings of those who cherish the memory of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, — stated in the appeal to the Prosecutor General.

In addition, the letter with the requirement to dismiss from the work Urgant and Khrustalev, was sent to the General Director of JSC “First channel”.

Plus “the Communists” sent a formal letter to the grandmother of the leading — people’s artist of Russia Nina Urgant, to declare a boycott of the grandson while he “will not apologize to Ilyich”.

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