Чуев впал в глубокую депрессию после разрыва с Африкантовой Eks-the participant “Houses-2” it is difficult to come to terms with what is happening. It became known yesterday that the beloved Andrey Chueva Marina Afrikantov refused to leave the reality show with him. Man suffers after a breakup with a girl.

      Recently Andrey Chuev has decided to leave the project “Dom-2”. The man left telestroke together with Alexandra Goias and Konstantin Ivanov. Member of the reality show suggested that his girlfriend Marina Afrikantov also will leave the site, however, to his surprise, the girl left. Chuev was amazed and did not know how to interpret the act of the chosen one. Andrey Chuev is threatening to settle scores with life from-for Marina Afrikantov

      Andrey and Marina were planning to get married and made plans for the future together. Now the ex-reality show participant believes that striking blonde broke his heart. The man in the microblogging published a line dedicated to their relationship.

      “Everyone said I was a tyrant to live with me this is the flour that I am a crook and a swindler, terrible me! In fact never raised the girl for two years, hand, the cookie I threw devil, fell the curse of eternal punishment, and the woman with fury, broadcasts that I’m bad, but asking me to apologize for the fact that not only was I “blind”… Love held me and tear apart consciousness, no heart is not sick, I’m afraid that the misunderstanding will not be able you to save you, I tried to send to change your path, but the chance was not used, and this is your essence, no, I am not offended, I understand. Life that all of us doesn’t kill you makes you stronger thought, and think, you in vain, that all will repeat again, killed in one second, what could not dream,” wrote Chuev.

      According to men, Marina had betrayed him. Chuev was on the verge of suicide. First, he promised to slit his wrists, and then thought to jump out the window. Ex-reality show participant says that he was rescued by comrades in telestroke. She Afrikantov has not commented on the situation, and her “Instagram” was hijacked by detractors.

      Fans have supported Andrei and noted that he’ll find a girl that will appreciate and respect it. “Like a stone wall that was behind you. Then bite your elbows”, “Andrei, you hold on, you’re strong”, “Andrew, don’t know what happened, but saw your temper, cool down and you will have someone back on the project,” wrote the followers Chueva. Andrey Chuev, “While the haters are sitting on the Internet, we are a Marina in the Seychelles”