Виктория Дайнеко и Дмитрий Клейман расстались

For several months the press had circulated the news that the winner of “American idol” Cheryl Cole has separated from her husband Dmitry Kleiman.

Today, this information has been confirmed from the press service of the singer.

Now Victoria and Dmitri had separated, and “how the situation will develop further, will show time”.

Doubt that the family of Victoria and Dmitry all did great there last fall. Doubt their fans made itself Daineko, when published in his microblog your black-and-white photo with the caption “me and my baby will be all right, we have a good life. () beyoncé”. Later on the page there was a picture from the party on the occasion of his daughter’s birthday, which was Dmitry.

Recall, Victoria and Dmitri met a few years ago. In April 2015 the couple got married, and in October was born of their common daughter. Kleiman’s several years younger than Victoria, but more recently she said that the age for them means nothing.