Селин Дион предостерегла беременную Бейонсе

In our time the birth of twins is difficult to surprise anyone, if fertilization is not produced naturally and in vitro.

Among celebrities is quite common. Take, for example, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mareuil Carey, angelina Jolie, etc.

In a short time in the army star twins will be a significant addition – a pair of children birth Amal Clooney and Beyonce.

Note that the pregnancy of both women, was for many a shock and joy at the same time. Now both families are eagerly preparing for the birth of their babies, and singer Celine Dion, who also became a mother of twins with IVF (she’s been through this procedure six times) based on its experience, meanwhile, says that they will.

In particular, Celine turned to his colleague Beyonce. Dion noted that for the first time, it will be very difficult, but with the help of nurses, he certainly cope with the upbringing of the heirs: “I believe that this is a double blessing. I have twins. I think she can handle it. It has long been in business and she has proven people. If she does something, she knows what to do. The house is an eternal mess. But lucky for her, she has people who can help. But no one can replace a mother! Beyonce is a great mom, I’m sure of it“.