Екатерина Гордон написала песню бывшему мужу Singer Mitya Fomin, who played a wedding in 2013, reunited. The ex-soloist of group Hi-Fi came to support Catherine Gordon at the presentation of her new music video.

      Екатерина Гордон написала песню бывшему мужу

      Active blonde manages not only to solve legal issues, helping clients own company Saferoom, but also to be creative. Recently Catherine Gordon filmed a video for the song “Vogue,” which has already conquered the top of the charts on music stations. Video, main role in which she played a member of “Dancing” Evgeny Smirnov, 35-year-old singer presented today in popular Metropolitan bar “Mumiy Troll”.

      To support Kate arrived her numerous friends, among whom was noticed and Mitya Fomin. With ex-member of the band Hi-Fi Gordon connects not only long-standing friendship, but a romantic relationship three years ago celebrities suddenly got married. The wedding ceremony was held on the island in Indonesia during the filming of the show “the Island”, members of which were artists. However, the family life of a couple, alas, did not last long in Moscow, their paths diverged again. But a few years later, the former lovers decide to reunite again. However, this time only for the sake of creativity. As it became known “StarHit”, in a short time Mitya and Katya will delight fans with a new hit.

      “Despite some differences that we had with Mitya, Yes, we are together again! Prepare to surprise everyone with a new song – the text I already had, the singer said.

      Екатерина Гордон написала песню бывшему мужу

      Fans of blonde star constantly following their progress on social networks. So, recently the public talked about the fact that Gordon decided to take business at ISA Dolmatova. As it turned out, Kate is only provided legal support for ex-partners ex-wife of rapper Guf. By the way, the business star recently made pretty nervous not only the businesswoman, but her admirers – in the Parking lot next to the Academy, where he received his legal education Catherine, unknown robbed her car. Such a unpleasant incident, according to the human rights activist, could be associated with those things that she’s been doing for a long time.

      Екатерина Гордон написала песню бывшему мужу
      Екатерина Гордон написала песню бывшему мужу

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