Брэд Питт подставил подругу из-за Джоли

Brad pitt thinks a star of the first magnitude in Hollywood. Films with the actor destined for success. Here are just a few people know that besides the direct involvement in the filming of the picture, the actor must take part in the promotion or the so-called advertising.

Previously, pitt has successfully coped with this mission, but due to family problems and to promote a painting called “Allies” where he starred with Marion Cotillard, pitt refused.

Until recently, brad was announced along with Marion as a member of all press conferences and interviews dedicated to the film. Now the actor has removed himself from these duties on top of the press and the producers of “Allies” in shock.

Pitt said that he would not attend the premieres and is not going to give an interview. And indeed minimizes his participation in the tour. So Marion will have to be answerable one.

Some members of the media believe that the fact that pitt will not appear on the red carpet nothing will change. After all, earlier gave a categorical ban on any questions about her divorce from Angelina Jolie. Moreover, to communicate with anyone he didn’t want and wasn’t going to.

I will assume that no tagelange sad and longing faces pitt premiere of “Allies” will be held on a more positive note.