Роды Амаль Клуни будут стоить 1 миллион долларов

Amal and George Clooney can be called staracademie. Amal currently 38 years old and George is 55. Of course, the birth in the near future, from two children will be Clooney event that they want to remember for a lifetime, and therefore are doing everything they can. So, journalists found out that Amal and George on the birth of twins want to spend at least one million dollars.

In this amount include the rental of the whole maternity wing at the London hospital Chelsea and Westminster, as well as the payment for work of all personnel of the wing, which should be available twenty four hours every day.

Informants told that the rental wing has managed to pair 588 thousand dollars a week. Note that compared to this amount, the cost of a personal masseur Amal, which the couple pays 5 thousand dollars, think cents.

But spending only seven starts. One can only imagine how much a pair will cost the education of children. Certainly, they will seek only to give them the best education. Do not forget comforting living conditions. The future children of the couple Clooney can already begin to envy that they are born with silver spoons in your mouth.