Безрукова показала кадры церемонии прощания с Задорновым
The actress was among those who pursued a satirist on his last journey.

Photo: @irina_bezrukova_official Instagram Irina Bezrukovoj

Irina Bezrukova was honored to be among those who were able to carry out Mikhail Zadornov last journey. The actress had a warm friendship with the satirist, therefore, included in the inner circle allowed to the funeral people. Relatives of Michael Nikolaevicha insisted that the farewell ceremony was closed.

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Irina, like all, was deeply saddened by the passing of life Zadornov. In his microblog Bezrukov posted a video and some photos taken in a Moscow clinic, where he held a farewell ceremony. The ceremony was shown a farewell video shot by the satirist in 2013. “Michael Zadornov has lived the big and bright life. He tried to live happily and smiled! And he did it! Let’s honour his memory that will not create undue fuss about death — wrote Irina yesterday in his microblog. If you truly want to help, do something really good living — today and tomorrow and every following day!”

Despite the request of the family, today’s medical facilities, it was farewell to the satirist, gathered about a hundred people. They are all several hours on the street waited to be allowed to say goodbye with Mikhail — some specifically for this came from other cities. Close Zadornov took pity and allowed the audience to say goodbye to the departed idol. Michael N., who died at the age of 69, will be buried in Latvia, near his father.