Барак Обама рассказал, что будет делать после президентства

A few hours back in his chair guest Studio of the Tonight Show came Barack Obama, who told the presenter Jimmy Fallon about what it will do after eight months, when the second term of his presidency will come to an end.

The program started as usual, musical sketch, in which the writers expertly beat the beyoncé hit from her latest album, “Lemonade,” turning it into a song “Barack-y with the good hair”.
Barack does not regret that the presidency for it already remains in the past. It is more concerned with the fact that eldest daughter Malia is all grown up and this year comes with high school.
“I’ll take the sunglasses on her prom. Otherwise, the school ceremony to turn into a “let’s see the President crying”” said Barak. White house Malia is going to change on the campus of Harvard University, and for her this event is very desirable. Not that life in Washington is weighing on her, just a teenager, like everyone her age already want freedom.

After the expiration of the presidency of Barack and his wife Michelle are planning to go “somewhere warm”.
“Michelle and I are going somewhere, leaving the girls to themselves. I hope when we get back, they’ll be fine” — said the President.
Regarding the upcoming elections in 2016, Barak said that “this is not a show” and hoped that Americans will make the right choice.
“The truth is, I’m worried about the Republican party. Democracy in this country works when there are two political forces that solve problems, not allowing the government to relax. This is a normal two-party system. The last thing I saw from the Republicans, not only not happy, but wary. I hope the Republican party will come to its senses while there is still time” — Obama said. Adding to the sketch that his new show will be called “Orange is not the new black” (Orange is not the new black”), Barack has clearly indicated that his sympathies are with the Democratic party and its leader, Hillary Clinton.

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