Армен Джигарханян отпразднует юбилей театра с коллегами The actor discharged from the hospital on Saturday, March 12. He stayed in the Institute. Sklifosovsky week.

      Армен Джигарханян отпразднует юбилей театра с коллегами

      Today it became known that the health of the people’s artist Armen Jigarkhanyan satisfactory. 80 years of Soviet and Russian actor leaves the hospital to return to work and the wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She actively supported the University while he was within the walls of medical institutions.

      However, the actor’s wife, who is also the Director of the theater Dzhigarkhanyan, careful in the forecasts concerning health of her husband. She says she will closely monitor his condition. The analysis results of artist in normal (except slight increase in sugar in the blood), but, to my amazement noticeably thinner – Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya shared with reporters that he threw seven pounds. However, the star of cinema and theatre is determined. He, according to his wife, the fighting spirit.

      By the way, this Saturday gigarkhanyan theatre celebrates its 20th anniversary, so extract its ideological inspirer – a great gift for all colleagues Dzhigarkhanyan. He told reporters about how his team will celebrate the holiday: the artists and other staff in cultural institutions will come together after the show to drink a glass of champagne.

      The Dzhigarkhanyan was admitted to hospital on 5 March. The status of the actor has been controversial. Thus, the press-service of the theatre stated that it was a routine health check-up of the artist, and later reported finding the actor in cardiotrainer, in the intensive care unit for patients with heart attack. However, this diaznoz, as later found out the media were not confirmed. In one interview the wife of the University announced the examination of the actor after her illness recently – it probably is the flu, which the artist underwent in February. Then, by the way, in the press, too, got completely different statements about an actor’s illness. According to other sources, the University was experiencing unstable angina at the background of ischemic heart disease.

      Recall that immediately after the artist wrote the last time, he went to the Gagarin registry office to sign his third choice – the General Director of the theater Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. They met 15 years before deciding to take this step. According to Vitalina, she with Armen Borisovich was serious, and she has real feelings for him. 44-year-old age difference Muse Dzhigarkhanyan not bother, it is also recognised that in their family could have children.

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