Ани Лорак с семьей переезжает в Москву The singer and her husband bought an apartment in the capital. Celebrity couple plans to live in three countries – already have a property in Turkey and a huge penthouse in the Ukraine. The husband of Ani Lorak Murat Nalchajian recently opened in the capital own business.

      Popular singer Ani Lorak and her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajian decided to settle in the Russian capital. Recently, the family of the singer spends a lot of time in Moscow and to stay in this city comfortable, Ani Lorak with her husband bought an apartment here.

      The news in an interview to Ukrainian TV channels, said Murat Nalchajian. “Yes, we bought an apartment in Moscow. The car was bought. There is a driver, there is security, there’s management. I opened my company there is also something to do”, — said the businessman.

      By the way, that it plans to acquire real estate in Moscow, Ani Lorak said a long time ago, and now just brought the plans to life. However, according to the wife of the singer, it does not mean that she intends to leave Ukraine, which is her homeland.

      “We did not leave Ukraine. We live here. A lot of people have in different countries, house, cars, business. We have Turkey is home, Moscow is the home of the, Ukraine is home. I now plan to buy a house in Spain, got an advantageous offer. I want to spend the summer with my daughter, because I like the climate,” he explained his position as the husband of Ani Lorak.

      As is known, Ani Lorak is the owner of posh penthouse in Kiev, which is known to the family acquired in 2011. And my first apartment the singer had bought in 2003. The property was also in the center of the capital of Ukraine, in the heart of downtown. Ani Lorak had to take a loan to buy their own homes.

      It should be noted that the family of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajian is considered one of the strongest among the celebrities. In August Ani and Murat celebrated the ninth anniversary of living together. Ani Lorak celebrated their wedding anniversary at sea

      The couple value their relationship and try to do everything to ensure that conflicts in their family happened as rarely as possible. For the sake of happy family life, the singer is ready to surprise her husband with beautiful appearance.

      “A woman should always look phenomenal. Even at home I go in a beautiful gown, with her hair painted lashes. I do not allow myself to be dressed before her husband. Try to please her man, admire him, empathize with, consult… the Man — God to women,” said the actress in an interview.