Анджелина Джоли выступила с речью о беженцах и сексуальном насилии на саммите ООН

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has partnered with the UN since 2002. 41-year-old star is a goodwill Ambassador for the Management of the UN high Commissioner for refugees, because she makes everything possible to make life easier for those in need.

Анджелина Джоли выступила с речью о беженцах и сексуальном насилии на саммите ООН

Recently in England hosted a peace summit of the United Nations. Jolie was invited to the event and had the opportunity to talk and discuss her questions with the Deputy chief of the defence staff UK General sir Gordon Messenger, and Secretary min. of defence of great Britain Michael Fallon and Secretary of min. of defense ash Carter.

Additionally, angelina has been entrusted with the important mission of the summit participants from 80 countries she had to make a speech in which he appealed to the women peacekeeping troops with gratitude, to explain the importance of their work to the delegates and emphasized on the need to develop a new approach to peacekeeping and involvement in peacekeeping missions of more women.

“The credibility of the UN peacekeepers is currently being undermined. The reason is the growing number of publicity given to cases of sexual violence against women in the ranks of the troops on the part of colleagues, as well as against women and children from the local population in the areas of peacekeeping operations from the military — those who came to protect them. The mere increase in the number of UN peacekeepers will not solve the standing problem. It is important to review the procedure for the organization of peacekeeping operations, to shield from danger the honor and dignity of helpless people,” said Jolie. “Peacekeeping troops will be able to gain and keep the trust of the local population, if they have more women,” concluded Angelina.