Анфиса Чехова выступила с заявлением после развода
The TV star has forgiven her husband’s infidelity.

Anfisa Chekhova and Guram bablishvili

Photo: Instagram.com

On the eve of Anfisa Chekhova and Guram bablishvili in the show “the Secret million dollar” all over the country announced the reasons for his divorce. Six months ago the star the couple broke off their relationship. In a conversation with Leroy Kudryavtseva TV presenter assured that was correct, but imperfect wife. But Guram said repeatedly cheated on his wife, after which he harshly criticized the fans Anfisa. Wanting to protect the injured Chekhov, they rained down on Bablishvili all negative. But the TV host made a request to stop the attacks.

Anfisa wants to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband, in particular, in order to raise her son Solomon in the healthy atmosphere of a loving family. She doesn’t want a divorce so affected the child. So she stood up for Guram and talked about how he felt after breaking up with him.

“I am very grateful to my ex-husband! We were going a long way, learned a lot from each other! He showed me what should be good fathers! He is kind and noble man! We broke up, but this does not change our mutual respect for each other and a good relationship! And whoever will insult him, and think out all sorts of stories, will be sent by me in the block! Divorce is not a tragedy! A tragedy, what people do to each other and to the children during divorce! When they are driven by hatred and resentment! In our case,we save the world: respect each other and love to the son!” — said Anfisa. Apparently, Chekhov does not keep on evil ex-husband for adultery, in which Bablishvili confessed to the shooting of the program.

Recall that a passionate affair Anfisa and Guram began in 2009. After three years of relationship they had a son Solomon, and after three they got married in the Seychelles. This spring, fans suspected that Anfisa has separated from her husband, but the TV host denied the existence of problems in his personal life. Last week, Chekhov and Bablishvili issued divorce papers.