Анфиса Чехова попросила фанатов помочь вылечить её сына
The TV presenter was in a difficult situation.

Anfisa Chekhov with her son

Photo: @achekhova Instagram Anfisa Chekhova

A family vacation, which had been waiting for Anfisa Chekhova, was saddened by unpleasant incident. The presenter told us that her son recently contracted a virus that seriously spoil them a holiday in Spain.

“All in turn picked up Roto-virus. First, little Danny, and then his mother Stella, now all Solika. I would love trading places with him…” — said Anfisa. However, the disease her heir was not the biggest challenge. Ahead of her was waiting for the test under the name of “pharmacy Spanish” and the staff didn’t speak English. Gestures Chekhov was able to explain that she needs antiemetics and prebiotics. However, she is very worried for her son and wants to ease his suffering. So she decided to seek the assistance of the subscribers, in the hope that one of them knows acting, and most importantly a proven, popular recipe. Fans were quick to give some advice, and most importantly to reassure and support their favorite.

Incidentally, the husband of TV star — Guram bablishvili work could not go on holiday with the family. But shortly before the departure of the Mail to Spain, the couple managed to fly for a few days in Portugal, where he celebrated the birthday of Guram. Leave the birthday boy was a success: delicious food, the mild climate and huge number of attractions and museums. My husband Chekhova, as, indeed, most of the Mail remained the most pleasant memories of their little journey. The son of the couple was a guest visiting the grandparents at home Bablishvili — Georgia.