Ди Каприо не хочет отдавать незаконно приобретенный «Оскар»
Owned by the actor statuette may have been stolen.

Ди Каприо не хочет отдавать незаконно приобретенный «Оскар»

Leonardo DiCaprio

Photo: Legion-media

Marlon Brando

How did you find out to the correspondent of a respectable
edition Wall
Street Journal, Leonardo DiCaprio
stores at home not one, but two Oscars. First he received this year
for his role in the film “Survivors”, that is a completely legal way. But the second might’ve been stolen from
its owner.

As said the publication of one of the new friends Leo, in
the house Leonardo DiCaprio is an Oscar, which was awarded in 1954 Marlon Brando — crime drama “In the port”. For many years no one knew where
is this statue, she was missing. And now she suddenly
was in the house of Leo. As she got to him?
DiCaprio claims to have received it as a gift from friends for my 38th

The prize of Marlon disappeared during the life of the great actor.
One time in Hollywood told curious
the legend that Brando threw out once your “Oscar” out the window because
he was reckless with the Academy award, which he despised for its racist stance
in relation to the Indians. And picked him up, allegedly, the actor’s son Christian and took
him in his tree house, where he broke a statue, accidentally splits base
on which it was installed. However, the former assistant and Keeper of the archive
Marlon — Avra Douglas has denied this story. She indicated that
the time of disappearance was already an adult, so could not borrow it
for your own games. One of the most probable versions, the prize was stolen by someone
of unscrupulous agents Brando. And was subsequently resold on the black
the market, which was especially illegal.

The fact is that in 1991 a law was passed stating that no
the rightful owner of “Oscar” nor his heirs have no right to try to sell
your prize, not offering it before for a nominal $ 10 to the Museum of the Academy. And Leo gently hinted that “Oscar” has to go back. However, the actor is going
to do, claiming that he did not intend to part with the gift. By the way,
the identity of the donor also raises questions. Allegedly, the statue of Leo was presented
Pictures — as a consolation for the fact that at the time
the actor could not wait for his honor of his own prize. And
this is the same company that financed the film Leo — “the Wolf of wall Street,” and it was
involved in a corruption scandal in Malaysia! Because Red Granite Pictures DiCaprio to stand trial
to testify in this case…