Анфиса Чехова призналась, что страдает психическим расстройством
The presenter explained why so many travels.

Анфиса Чехова призналась, что страдает психическим расстройством

Anfisa Chekhov recently found a justification for their passion for travel. It is no secret that the TV presenter loves to travel around the world. Vital frequent change of scenery. How did you know Anfisa recently, there is a mental disorder dramamine, which explains her habit.

“Each time, returning to Moscow from other countries, I feel something similar to a hangover. Travel is intoxicating. And change! And I always need time to harmoniously enter into the usual life — told the other day by Anfisa — a slightly updated re-integrate yourself in the same circumstances! My subscribers sent me to direct my diagnosis: dramamine or pornomania impulsive desire to change places. Still there in the description featured the word “vagrancy”, but I deleted it, because wandering I do not like…

But generally the diagnosis is not. But whence does this desire all the time to go somewhere, live in different places, not to sit in one place? As a kid I generally wanted to spend my life in hotels!”

Pathological mania Chekhova, by the way, is not valid for travel “savage”. She loves to relax in a comfortable environment. Wanderlust, by the way, was one of the reasons for the divorce Anfisa with Guram Bablishvili. Actress months did not come home, willingly agreeing to shoot in different parts of the world and refused to spend the summer in the Georgian village where there live relatives of Guram.