Андрей Губин боится своего отражения в зеркале The singer gave a Frank interview to journalists in which he talked about the fact that it continues to engage in their own health. According to Andrey Gubin, at the moment he is not ready to marry. The contractor admits that it is very difficult because of diseases of the nervous system.
Андрей Губин боится своего отражения в зеркале

42-summer Andrey Gubin rarely appears in public and almost never gives interviews. In December last year, the artist admitted that the girl he was truly in love, created a family and lives abroad. Recently, Andrew decided to meet again with journalists. A conversation with the singer showed in the broadcast of “Oh, mother!” TV channel “Mir”.

Andrey Gubin: “Women merge me”

Andrew has denied the information that he is hiding from the public. “I believe that I was being hunted. I’m on the run, so don’t really talk… But the people I really love and have remained the same as it was. I’m a little more antsy, but you’ll try in my situation to not be antsy. So, of course I’m pumped,” said the artist, adding that he began to travel more.

Due to diseases of the nervous system the contractor had to finish musical career. But now, says Andrew, he regularly faced with increased interest on the part of others.

“I always feel myself more attention than before. Unfortunately. It’s awful. I roughly understand why. Of course, to go with this mug… Well, face hurt, guys, well, how much can you mock? What are you doing?” – could not restrain his emotions the artist.
Андрей Губин боится своего отражения в зеркале

According to Gubin, his health situation is non-standard. “I have to “float” the entire left side of his face, on the neck of some bands… I can’t feel half of the body, and the doctors say everything is normal,” – said the artist. He also added that sometimes frightened of your reflection in the mirror. “I think, “Lord, how terrible!” And in the face of a complete idiot. Inside I feel like a normal person, but a face like iron mask”, – said the singer.

In the program Andrew also shared his thoughts about family and marriage. The contractor told me that currently he does not feel ready to have children. Instead, the singer focused on their own health.

“Maybe it sounds cruel, but I don’t regret not married until now. That is, I didn’t have a girl I wanted to marry. My face hurts, I don’t have children… taking Care of children is a manifestation of a certain force, but I can’t. My lips are blue, the whole body is falling apart. But I’m used to it”, – said the artist.

Despite the fact that Gubin suffers from health problems, he tries not to despair. “I can appreciate. To love yourself is necessary, otherwise it straight path to suicide,” – said the artist. He also said that quite happy with their lives. “Oddly enough, I’m happy. Full of happiness I have, unfortunately, had very little”, – said the artist.