Андрей Малахов рассказал, кто виновен в его увольнении с Первого канала
The last straw that broke the patience of the presenter, became a call of a young editor.

Andrey Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov finally placed all points over “i” and the expanded interview revealed all the reasons for his
leaving the First channel. During his transition from the “first button” on the channel “Russia-1”
of the versions of dismissal of one of the brightest broadcasters were many. It
wife’s pregnancy Malakhova Natalia Kulevoy, and his desire to become a producer of the show
and much more. It turned out, however, that the “last straw” that broke the bowl
patience Malakhov was a young editor.

“We had a thirty minute conversation with Konstantin
L. Ernst, — said Malakhov in an interview with Esquire magazine. We
broke up on that again and think, where is the channel as he can
look in the future and about my role on this channel. The second time we
unfortunately, never met. When I went to this meeting, girl editor
worked I called and asked what entrance I’ll stop
to expose the camera. And I did not want to play under the cameras, why not
reached. I just went to a meeting. Suit, tie, haircut — and then
editor called and asked what the entrance to put the camera… Young
redactors, you know, kill everything, is clear for a long time: the whole world depends on
them from their idiocy and their level of education.”