Анастасия Стоцкая устраивает детям тяжелые гастроли The artist takes son and daughter to concerts. According to Anastasia, she always misses the kids when they have to be separated. The singer has shared with journalists the secret to losing weight and also talked about how, for someone like heirs.

Despite the fact that Anastasia Stotskaya two children grow up, she manages to combine a career and raising heirs. The artist admits that it can safely call 2017 happy. After the birth of a daughter, the singer decided not to stay long in the decree.

“With Sasha, I haven’t worked, fed – shared the actress. – But here everything is easier, quickly got into the rhythm: theatre, concerts, musicals, plays. The birth of a daughter is the most important time of the year, everything else for me is secondary. You know, my husband and I came to the conclusion that our children are each other very similar. Although the more Faith in the Pope. Dad’s suit in her case, of course, took her”.

According to Stotsky, it is difficult to permanently leave the family, if required by the job. That is why the star sometimes takes the son and daughter with me to concerts in other cities.

“I drive the kids with me. I was recently in Peter I there was a musical and a concert. And in our spare time, we went to the Opera and to the ballet “the Nutcracker”. Vera also took. Although she is still so young, not quite understand. She has no sense of time, so easily letting me go. With Sasha was more difficult. When he grew up, every time I had to leave quietly, otherwise he’d start to cry,” said Anastasia.

We will remind, Anastasia Stotskaya gave birth to a daughter in may of this year. The artist was able to quickly get in shape with a healthy diet and doing sports. However, the star believes that to achieve its goal.

“It’s hard to lose weight, especially when breastfeeding. This is due to hormonal changes. I have not yet come in the shape you dream about. We must tolerate that I do. When you consider prenatal weight, I should lose another five pounds. And ideally ten,” he told the star in an interview, “hit it!”.