Анастасия Панина: «Я ужасно переживала по поводу носа и ушей»
Star of TV series “the Teacher” talked about their teenage complexes.

Anastasiya Panina

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Anastasia Panina recognizes that adolescence, like many peers, she had a complex about his nose and ears. “I was really worried. Good, loving parents that helped me to cope with this”, — says the actress. With time she learned to accept herself for who she is, but understands that, as an actress, she just need to constantly work on ourselves.

“Previously, whatever was eating — not gaining any weight. But after 30 years the metabolism is slowed down. To lose two or three pounds, it is very hard… Helps light diet. I love grapefruit: the first three days of eating eggs and grapefruit (in the day, three eggs and one fruit, divided into equal segments), the second three days of buckwheat, and the next three days — the vegetables, except starchy: potatoes, for example. Fruit is also possible, but not bananas. Nine days later back to the usual menu”.

After birth (Anastasia is growing up daughter Sasha) she was able to quickly get back in shape. Helped and sport, and diet, and returning to the theater. Much longer the actress suffered from postpartum depression. “While I was in the position — no morning sickness, no mood swings — says Panin. — And bore easily. And then suddenly it started! Endless tears for any reason, is not at all like… Literally forced myself to swallow a piece of boiled beef, or cottage cheese, or buckwheat, because I fed Sasha breast. It is clear that pregnancy and childbirth is stress, huge changes in the body, hormonal jump… Well that was near the husband, and he was distracted, and helped to cope with depression”.

Full interview with Anastasia Panina about the secrets of her beauty read here>>

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