Агата Муцениеце и Павел Прилучный ведут тайную жизнь Artists do not consider it necessary to tell about all the cases. Paul Priluchny and agate muceniece happily married for six years. The man is glad that his wife doesn’t make scenes of jealousy and not try to totally control.

      Acting couple Paul Priluchnogo and Agatha muceniece is considered one of the best in Russian show business. The couple has two children – eldest son of Timothy and little MIA, who was born last year. Despite the fact that the relations of the stars of the series “Closed school” built on love, mutual understanding and trust, the man sees nothing wrong with that, they had each other some secrets. He thinks it’s even better than to tell his mate. Paul Priluchny: “my wife and I many times was on the verge of divorce”

      “Agatha and I live so I don’t know everything about her business, as she is mine. Sometimes I want to tell her everything, but then you realize that some things are better not to speak, so it will be easy for both. Secrets, of course, should be. It’s like a corner of his own room. Today, children take up a lot of space in our lives, and personal space. But if I have to intervene in his wife’s head and a shovel to shovel out all the thoughts?” – says Priluchny.

      Paul and Agatha for six years happily married. Priluchny admits it is not seeking in whatever was to constantly hear the voice of his wife – sometimes they may call in a few days, when some of them are too busy at work. But upon returning home, between them there is a real idyll.

      “Here, Agatha, I am not at all jealous. Perhaps that is why we are together. Sometimes a wife may Express dissatisfaction with sex scenes with my participation. I don’t like it, and I try not to give her cause for jealousy. For myself notice how you begin to get out in the frame, do good deeds,” – said Paul.

      The actor admits that he was very lucky with his wife – he thinks he’s more emotional, and her calm and wise. Priluchny also glad that the wife grew up in Latvia, but because she had a little different upbringing and attitude.

      “There’s a reason I linked his fate with Agatha. With Russian girls it was hard for me and my wife has this mentality that she lives in cold blood. She never climbs into my phone — and she’s not that interested, she just does not care”, – shared his thoughts Paul in an interview with the publication Woman.ru.