После скандала Бузову сначала уволили, а потом вернули на ТНТ

With a light hand journalists of the TV presenter lost his job in the “House-2”. But it soon became clear that this is just domysly.

After the separation from her husband, footballer Dmitry Tarasov career of Olga Buzova went to the mountain. Her song “the sounds of kisses” breaks records on downloading on the Internet. The TV presenter recently opened private sector in a clothing store Kalina shop in the shopping center “metropolis”. There are plans to record new songs and filming a movie… so unexpected news: because of the scandal around the divorce Buzova fired with TNT!

Anyway, this was written media. How found the journalists, 25 Dec contract presenter with TNT is complete, and to renew his channel is not going to. Presumably because of the scandal of divorce.

But soon TNT hastened to refute this information.

“In 2017, Olga Buzova will continue to lead the reality show “Dom-2”, – said representatives of the channel in an interview with newspaper “life”.

We will remind that on TNT Buzova he worked for 12 years. According to fans of the TV presenter, she has long outgrown the scope of “House-2”, and she needs your project.

By the way, on our TV there are examples of how the separation from her husband gave impetus to a television career. It was after her divorce from footballer Andrei Arshavin Julia Baranovskaya was to broadcast “Girls” on “Russia 1” and “Male/female” on the First channel.

Maybe Olga is really fit to take on his own talk show? For example, that after a divorce life goes on…