После участия в «Фабрике звезд 3» Руслан Курик жил за счет девушки-инвалида The musician kept mistress, who, like him, didn’t work. While Ruslan couric repeatedly violent towards her. According to the environment of the singer, he abused alcohol and regularly wound up on the side.

      После участия в «Фабрике звезд 3» Руслан Курик жил за счет девушки-инвалида

      Finalist of the popular show sometimes feel nostalgic for grown-up Schoolgirls, who in 2003 was evasively walls with posters of idol. However, after the tremendous success of “manufacturer” with the scandal broke relations with producer Alexander Shulgin. Instead of full houses came rare local gigs in bars. The only outlet was beloved of the artist – participant of “factory of stars 6” Arina Ryzhenkova. Ruslan was planning to propose. But 28-year-old girl unexpectedly put an end for the sake of new love. Couric was very upset by the betrayal, deciding to “engage” with a long-term relationship.

      New passions the musician found online or at concerts, inviting favourite for dinner. “He said he wants to break the record of Casanova, the list of women who had 132 name. Five years ago Ruslan scored 82 points, despite the fact that was living with the girl Nastya”, – told “StarHit” Victoria – one of her friends artist.

      With Anastasia Smirking singer met at a party. Soon lovely lady invited him to move into her rented apartment. By the way, Nastia things were not smooth: it did not work, and the main income was the disability pension – in the childhood girl lost her feet.

      “Ruslan was part of the meager proceeds from concerts and the movie spent on the rental of clubs, and the rest on sprees. Nastya dragged all by yourself, says Victoria. – And instead of gratitude he occasionally was violent towards her”.

      После участия в «Фабрике звезд 3» Руслан Курик жил за счет девушки-инвалида

      According to neighbors, couric abused alcohol. At the entrance residents quite often noticed an ambulance. Unable to stand, Anastasia Shmerkin Packed up and moved out of a rented apartment. Left homeless, without a penny in his pocket, the singer found solace in the arms of another female fans.

      “Anya Gavrilova did not miss any of the concert, made friends with friends of Ruslan, recalls a classmate of the girl. – She managed to ingratiate himself to Couric. But a very strange way: in a car accident killed their mutual friend, the Manager of Ruslan, Anya took advantage of this by inviting him to her to comfort. Then began to lose weight to fit the ideals of an idol. Rented an apartment that Ruslan was always there. When we last met, her face had bruises”.

      Until recently the musician was trying to build a relationship with another fan – Xenia Semeniuk, while continuing to live under the shelter Gavrilova. Mossy performances in clubs, at prices ranging from 250 to 350 rubles for the entrance, and did not make a profit.

      “In the past “eight years”, as he called the fans Kurik, came from other cities to the concerts. But our idol has outlived its usefulness, said one of the fans of the artist. – And to pay even small money for, and to hear again the annoying “hits” no longer want”.

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