Jamie Oliver, known around the world as a chef, television personality, ran into rudeness British singer Adele. The chef, who in his forty years will become a father for the fifth time, last week said it would begin a campaign to increase the number of mothers who breastfeed their children.
“We have the worst level of breastfeeding in the world. Here are the problems with obesity, poor health, stunting..” said Oliver.
The singer has used her concert at London’s O2 Arena to claim his position.
“You know, when I hear about the pressure of society on breastfeeding, it makes me laugh. And I want to say to them, “you can go f–k yourselves”” — cried Adele.
The singer who is raising three-year old son, fed him breast milk on the strength of nine weeks.
“It is difficult, and many of us are unable to do so. Many of my friends got postpartum depression from all of these conversations about breastfeeding. If you can – you can feed, if not, don’t worry, the mixture is also a good idea.
I love my child. I tried to breastfeed as long as I could and understand the value of breast milk, but then I felt that I could no longer. If we lived in the jungle, I would have lost the baby because my milk was gone..” complained Adele.
Recall that the singer recently married the father of her first child Simon Kannaki and is going to give birth to her second child. Adele pregnancy plans with her husband later this year.