Актрисе Ольге Мелиховой приходится считать копейки Actress for a long time disappeared from sight. For the first time Olga Melikhova decided to tell about his life. A woman appeared at the Studio “Let them talk”. As it turned out, she moved to Finland and now he painted icons for sale.

      Актрисе Ольге Мелиховой приходится считать копейки

      The role of Katya Kotova in the film “Holiday at own expense” brought the young Soviet actress Olga Melikhova’s unprecedented popularity. However, after such a triumph of the artist at the time has disappeared and no longer shone from the screens. Long time fans were keenly interested in the fate of the beloved actress. As it turned out, she got married and moved to Finland. For the first time in many years, Soviet actress appeared before the audience in the Studio program “Let them talk” during the recording of the broadcast, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the film “Holiday at own expense”.

      Olga said that she lives in a remote village in Finland. In late 2008 she moved there after her husband, a Spaniard. The actress revealed that the marriage was of short duration and admitted that she has always had bad luck with men.

      “Got another one, and all. Abandoned and betrayed, what to do? At work I never get betrayed, but men always” – Frank said melihova.

      Now, the actress had some problems not only in personal life but also with living in a foreign country. Two and a half years ago it had expired visas, but for her time stood up for the employer. By the way, about the kind of activity star of Soviet cinema did not spread. However, all the time conducted proceedings related to the expiry of the visa and illegal stay of a woman in a foreign country, she had no right to work. Melikhovo had to count every penny and to save on everything.

      Soon Olga Vilgelmovna found salvation in religion. She learned to paint icons, but, nevertheless, could not make a living selling their work. The actress admits that is now experiencing not the best times.

      “The children I never had. At first afraid that there will be roles. Now I have to take care of those who are close to you. Of course, it’s very hard to remain alone in old age,” admitted Olga Vilgelmovna.
      Актрисе Ольге Мелиховой приходится считать копейки

      Now the actress is caring for her elderly mother. She had her beloved ray. In the program “Let them talk” he said that he loves the actress. Their romance began not so long ago. Some time they just lived in the neighborhood and talked, and after her divorce he began to give her attentions. Soon the ray took Melikhovo offer hands and hearts. However, the mother of actress Vera Melikhova believes that men only use her kindness.

      “There was a man who loved her. As they say, was not born like this. Ray is another. He is simple, he has other values, that’s another story”, – said the mother of the actress.