Новинка в мире домашнего текстиля — антибактериальное постельное белье

We continue to write about interesting projects which successfully raise funds for crowdfunding platforms, and today we offer you a revolutionary bedding that has attracted about half a million dollars.

Новинка в мире домашнего текстиля — антибактериальное постельное белье

The new product is called Silvon. This linen fabric is woven in silver threads. You can argue that it’s overkill, and if you regularly take a shower before bed linen will long remain clean. In reality, things are different. Taking a shower, you go to bed, linen which was replaced just a few days ago. By that time, linen was able to reproduce a huge number of bacteria that over time accumulate.

According to statistics, most people change the sheets every 2-3 weeks, and if you check the tissue under a microscope, you can come to dread. Scientists say that by that time the fabric accumulated the same amount of bacteria as the toilet, and it bacteria of the same species.

To bedding were relatively clean, it should be washed every 2-3 days, but hardly anyone follows these recommendations.

Silvon is made of cotton, which are woven silver threads. Silver ions have a positive charge and bacteria a negative, so they attract each other, and the shell of the bacteria is destroyed. With silver, which kills 99% of bacteria, linen remains clean until the next wash.

It is worth noting that, despite the presence of silver threads, cotton fabric is very soft and practical. The antibacterial properties of silver does not deteriorate further after 200 washings.

Cost pillow case Silvon will be 35$ for a full set of bed linen will have to fork out 210-290$, depending on size.

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